Friday, August 5, 2011


There are many dynamic variables in agriculture, and "worm farming" is no exception. People ask me for exact data, but there is none. I tried to answer the questions in the book, but worms have no minds of their own. In the springtime in Michigan they seem to hatch from cocoons and get really active as juveniles, and in the autumn they seem to produce more cocoons. Try to accept that the real work is being done by tiny microorganisms inside the worms, and even in a system like that in La Palmichal where they are as thick as spaghetti, time is measured in weeks, or months, not in hours or days. If you are planning to get rich or convert a huge garbage system, you need to think industrial.

A school has a waste stream that is 60% paper. Shredded paper is a favorite worm bedding material. School kids tend to eat only part of their lunch. The rest makes excellent worm food if it is composted and kept covered with shredded paper to keep the flies away. We have a project at the Meadow Brook Elementary School in Forest Hills, Michigan that is being done by third graders.

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