I have written two instruction manuals, called "Beyond Compost,+" that are for sale at Amazon.com and at the Website
The newest edition is called "Beyond Compost, +" because I've added some chapters on biochar and "BioPreta".
The Spanish translation of the same manual is "Mas Alla del Compost"
For more information, click on the tab above.
I just read another EPA-funded report, and it describes the contents of a typical garbage truck.
I took the liberty of changing the paradigm to one where we recycle and compost and that changes the numbers.
35.3% of what currently goes to the landfill is recyclable aluminum, iron, steel, paper, glass, plastics, etc.
Removing the wet organic waste for vermicomposting accounts for another 46% (30% of which is moisture that eventually disappears).
That only leaves 18.7% of the truckload for filling the landfill. That would be mostly rocks and minerals.
I had to remove the e-dress of Chris, for his benefit. I think he says "I am working with a biodigester and want to use the effluent for vermiculture."
"I really enjoyed this blog. My name is Chris and I working for a non-profit in Guatemala, in Quetzaltenango. My non profit is called AIDG, and we do renewable energy and sanitation work. Estoy trabajando en un biodigestore y quiero usar mi efluente por lombricultura.
I really like your design, I was wondering if you were willing to email correspond while I work on my structure. Also, when I return to the United States, I could return the favor by purchasing a system for my sustainable community in California. "
July 21, 2009
Great blog, Tom! I am excited to buy my own copy of your new book! Thank you for all of your hard work. You have paved the way for many of us to learn new skills and reap the many benefits of vermicomposting!
Hi Tom,
I just purchased your book, and enjoyed it. Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge. The vermiharvester is a great low-tech solution to the more expensive products. I've been looking to make one for years- now I have no more excuses. I founded a nonprofit that focuses its effort to set up mid-scale vermicompost systems (at this point limited to vermiculture) to process vegetative waste from schools avereaging 25lbs of food scraps per week to up to 110 lbs. per week. Like you, I've also come up with some ideas but am always learning more- so I appreciate your book. Also, like you, I spent three years in Central America (Panama), where I learned about vermiculture (including the Boquete regions and the cafetal lombricultura approaches). My website is http:compostclub.org.
Great website! Good job getting schools involved. California may have a more friendly climate during the school year than Michigan, but that isn't an excuse, just an opportunity for creativity.
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